L'Excellence Digitale

Digital transformation in the insurance sector

Digital insurance is developing in a more or less homogeneous way from one company to another. Some actors are moving towards strategies based on social networks, others are focusing on the unifying theme of sport or cross-channel strategies. The insurance industry’s « test & learn » approach is based solely on marketing or management strategies.

What about reinventing insurance modes of communication ?

The relationship between the brand and its customer is transforming itself considerably to adopt logic of loyalty and response to customer queries. While it is essential to satisfy the needs of the client, beyond this reflection, the current insurance companies will have to find the most innovative means of communication to gain a foothold in a market where the actors copy themselves and each other.

Today, it is a question of pioneering a new model of communication in insurance. In this sense, inbound marketing perfectly aligned with the overall strategy is an innovative approach for insurance companies.

Humanize the relationship to increase loyalty

Today, brands have main objective, to adopt an approach of human proximity. This value helps to create trust with the insured and thus allows retaining it in a natural way. Few companies dare to develop new tools for fear of failing to satisfy the customer, the ideas yet to be defined. Taking as an example the automotive sector have seen the appearance of highly differentiated means of differentiation. Insurance needs to adapt its development policy to communication strategies that have already proven effective. To do this, the sector needs to expand its boundaries and build on the best customer relations strategies. The automotive sector is the perfect example. In recent years, some brands have considerably renewed their marketing and sales approach to move towards a much younger population by widening the possibilities of choice and therefore of differentiation.

Appropriate the concept of consumer club

This personalization principle is fully adaptable to the insurance sector to offer essential guarantees according to needs. The digital accentuates the diversification of the products and the possibilities of choice of guarantee. It remains to be seen how it is possible to capture the customer in a sustainable way. The brand can answer this question by offering special clubs to consumers of specific products to create a unique experience. These clubs must be optimized to meet all the client’s expectations and enable them to unite a community. This communication principle makes it possible to obtain a better adaptation of the offer to the demand, by privileging the service to the customer.

Set up customer portal

This brief analysis of the model allows us to reflect significantly on a future adaptation of this concept to the insurance sector. Indeed, companies could offer customizable customer portals. The customer portals allow obtaining information on the company, to have a regular newsletter, to obtain the details of the contracts subscribed and the guarantees applied. However, what about services specifically reserved for the holders of insurance products of a particular insurance company? It is important to be proactive and have concrete examples to talk about this situation. For the customer, the portal provides details of all contracts it has and personalized online advice. Assuming the implementation of a new type of customer portal, the question is how to optimize this space in an innovative way?

Gilbert KantéDigital transformation in the insurance sector

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